Well, I have a feeling that a lot of you East Coasters are fed up with winter and are in need of a little sunshine and bare ground. I don’t think you need any redrock desert blue sky photos to entice you this year, but here are a couple just in case. And yes, as I write this, I am basking by the Colorado River at the base of some Navajo sandstone enjoying a sunny blue bird day.
Well, the season has just begun and the vehicles coming through town are now decorated with bikes and boats. For many, Moab and the surrounding area is their Mecca and they return annually, some multiple times a year. For others this will be a whole new experience and I love seeing the newbies atop a slickrock knoll enjoying a sunset and taking in the scenery, their faces full of wonder.
So, on that note, Welcome to Moab, Welcome back! Some things are still the same, rivers still flowing in the same direction, the sun setting in the west but there are even more bike and hiking trails to enjoy.
The big news is that the Gold Bar Singletrack, linking the Mag 7 to the Portal is now a legitimate marked trail. Yay Trail Mix and BLM!
The Navajo Rocks trail system was started last year and another loop was completed this winter.
Klondike North has a few more connector trails to keep folks in loop heaven.
When the snow melts you will be able to enjoy the Jimmy Keen Flats area, halfway up to the La Sal mountains, and other trails on Forest Service lands, including Burlfriends up higher in the aspens.
Trail Mix, our local, county sponsored advisory committee for non-motorized trails, is still at it with shovel and pick and volunteer, creating more mountain biking and hiking fun.
Please check out their website for more info, grandcountyutah.net/223/Trail-mix-Committee.
Our local IMBA chapter has helped coordinate volunteer trail days and fun group rides. If you aren’t an IMBA member, please consider joining our chapter as we need outside support to help with trail development and maintenance. Check out our website at moabmba.com.
Thanks for tuning in. Hope our website is helpful in scheduling your Moab bike shuttle, river shuttle or hiking trip. Please let us know if we can help you out. We look forward to hearing from you.